Predator Protection

The Source of the Bear Poaching Video

Released in a statement April 7,1995, by Nancy Perry, director of the Oregon Bear and Cougar Coalition

The Oregon Bear and Cougar Coalition ran a successful campaign which culminated in the victory co Ballot Measure 18. We ran one of only three campaigns which utilized an all-volunteer force to gather over 90,000 signatures. We were dramatically outspent in the advertising phase of the campaign, but Oregonians still decided to ban the cruel and unsporting methods of bear baiting and hound hunting of bears and cougars with a margin of over 44,000 votes. We are here today because the opponents of Measure 18 are engaging in sour grapes politics. They are attempting an endrun around the will of the Oregon electorate by prompting more than 10 anti-Measure 18 bills in the legislature.

We have received footage from the Oregon State Police which depicts a bear hunt in Oregon. OBCC has been criticized for showing footage of hound hunting in other states. This footage demonstrates that our advertisement accurately portrayed these practices. You will see today how grisly hound hunting is, whether it is practiced in Oregon, in Idaho, in Virginia or in British Columbia. This footage was obtained by the Oregon State Police in connection with the conviction of Johnny Young for poaching. Most remarkable, the tape was produced by the hound hunting party itself. Johnny Young is currently a coordinator for the Oregon United Sporting Dog Peoples Committee, a recently formed organization dedicated to overturning Measure 18.

Measure 18 opponents have recently claimed that Oregon does not have a problem with poaching. They have also said that OBCC did not depict hound hunting accurately because we didn't have footage of it occurring in Oregon. Additionally, they have claimed that bear cubs do not get mauled during hound hunts. Finally, they have also maintained that hound hunting is humane and is based on respect and admiration for the hounds, the bears, and the cougars. It is graphically clear that these practices soundly rejected by Oregon voters are vestiges of a culture of cruelty and demonstrate absolute disregard and disdain for the majesty and nobility of our state's wildlife. It is appalling to realize that Oregon's legislature could support the continuation of this cruelty, in the wake of the voter's clear renunciation of these egregious methods. The footage we show you today demonstrates the real truth about hound hunting and the opponents of Measure 18.